Terrace Bay
7:25 AM
8:19 PM
Forecast conditions at 3/22 11:00 PM.
No nearby weather stations reporting current conditions.
Spot Details
Launch at Terrace Bay Beach
Terrace Bay Wind Alerts
Use this screen to create wind alerts for this spot. Specify the specific wind directions, minimum wind speed, and notification times below.
Notification Details
Wind Alert Details
Thanks for using wind alerts. Here's some important details about the service.
Alert Frequency
In order to prevent too many notifications to you, we only send out 1 notification per spot, per day, and we'll group multiple notifications together when possible.
Every 30 minutes, we'll check to see if wind conditions match your criteria and send your device a message to let you know.
Disabling Alerts
You're in full control and can stop wind alerts at any time.
- To disable alerts for a couple months (ie a seasonal spot), just un-check "Active".
- To disable alerts, for certain wind directions, just un-check those directions on the compass.
- Use the start / end time, to control when you'll be notified. This prevents you from getting alerts too early or too late in the day.
- To remove the alert altogether, just click the "Remove" button.
Browser Permissions
Messages are delivered as browser notifications, you'll need to grant messaging notificatoin permission to receive alerts.
After granting permissions, you'll receive the notifications in your device, even if you're not using the LocalKiteSpots app.
Addtional Details
- Specify Start / End times in the spot's local time zone.
- We only send out one notification per spot, per day.
Click on the compass points, to select on-shore wind directions only.
To see a sample notification, and test your configuration, click the "View Sample" button